Wallingford Historic Homes Fair, Saturday October 6

Celebrate the old house!

Historic Wallingford presents the
Wallingford Historic Homes Fair

Time: 10 AM – 4 PM; Doors open at 9:30 AM.
Location: The Good Shepherd Center, 4659 Sunnyside Ave N.

Come celebrate the remarkable treasure of historic housing stock we have in our Wallingford neighborhood and learn how to care for them. A variety of experts will be available for short consultations on subjects ranging from City building permits to what a realtor does to bank loans for remodeling. Five lectures are featured, including a virtual tour of outstanding homes in the neighborhood, a panel discussion on historic designations, and a screening of the film Bungalow Heaven. See the Schedule of Activities.

Advance registration is strongly encouraged. Tickets are $10 (or $5 for the Exhibit Hall only). Payment of cash or check will be requested at the door. The event is free to Historic Wallingford members.