Category Archives: Board elections

Annual Meeting and Officer Elections – May 8th, 2024

Wednesday, May 8, 2024, 7:00 PM

In-Person at the Chapel of the Good Shepherd Center
4659 Sunnyside Ave N.

  • Member check-in at 6:30pm, in the Chapel, followed by Board elections.  Must attend in-person to vote.  (To vote for the 2024-2025 Board, one must be an official member as of April 23, 2024.)
  • 7:00pm: Welcome and Officer Elections
  • 7:15 – 8:00-ish pm: City Councilmember Tanya Woo, Position 8 – Citywide. Join us as we hear from CM Woo. Includes Q&A.
  • 8:00-ish pm: closing remarks by outgoing President, Miranda Berner
  • 8:30pm: adjourn

WCC Board: Run, or recruit, or both  🙂
April 26, 2024:
Hi All,
Over the years, many of you have volunteered with and/or attended Wallingford Community Council Meetings.  Maybe it was a few years ago, maybe it was 15, 20, or 30+ years ago.  Maybe it was the Brooks building or the Transfer Station.  Maybe it was the Wallingford Steps or the Band Stand in Meridian Park. Perhaps it was an SDOT proposal or the MHA Upzones.  Or one of the community conversations the WCC hosted with the SPD on race and policing.  Maybe you came to hear from various City Council Members and other elected officials and ask them your questions. Perhaps you joined in to get educated on how to safely pick up sharps and drug-related garbage.  Maybe it was the Tenants Rights event, or a waterway walk, or a garbage pickup walk, or a beautify Wallingford project.  Perhaps it was something else.  Whatever it was, I thank you for participating.
There are many of you throughout Wallingford who have been active on and off for as long as you have lived in the neighborhood.  Thank you for that!  Perhaps, you are ready, once again, to get involved.  We are in search of new board members for the new WCC year.  A couple of us are stepping down from the Board on May 8th, including myself, leaving several vacancies that need to be filled.  This board is a working board, made up of volunteers from within the community.  Please consider either running, or recruiting, or both.
If you or someone you know is interested in serving at the Board level, please send any “emails” of interest to me, at, on or before May 6th.
Thank you and Happy Friday, 
Miranda Berner /Wallingford Community Council, President

To get an idea of what the WCC stands for, I recommend reviewing the website.  It’s a great resource for getting an idea of the WCC, its decades of history, and where the membership tends to lean on certain topics.
As an FYI, here is what I see as of now, as the big items of interest: the Draft Comp Plan and its corresponding Draft EIS, Trees, and crime.  The WCC also continues to work with DNR (Dept. of Natural Resources) and the City to restore public access to Lake Union at Waterway 20.  There are many smaller and/or less involved activities the WCC does, as well.  It all comes down to volunteer interest and bandwidth.  🙂

NOTE: one does not need to be an official member to serve on the Board, but there is an expectation that all Board members officially join.  🙂

Monthly Meeting – April 2024

Wednesday April 3, 2024, 7 PM

Join Us – engage on neighborhood issues, opportunities, projects, and initiatives. Learn. And as as something piques your interest, volunteer. 🙂

Location: Room 202 of the Good Shepherd Center4659 Sunnyside Ave N.


  • Welcome and Call to Order
  • Special Topic: Future of Aurora Avenue – SDOT is seeking public input.  Jules Posadas, Public Engagement Lead, Seattle Department of Transportation to present.
  • Special Topic: “Comp Plan” – Both the One Seattle Comprehensive Plan 2044 to guide growth for the next 20 years and the DEIS (Draft Environmental Impact Study) which analyzes impacts of growth strategy alternatives have been released.  The city’s public engagement period has started and comments will be incorporated into the Final Comprehensive Plan and FEIS (Final EIS).  Click here for more information (open houses, links, how to submit feedback, etc.).
  • Committee reports
  • Announcements
    • Earth Day Clean-Up: Saturday, April 20, 10 AM to 1 PM.  Meet at 45th & Wallingford, next to the Animal Storm statue 
    • Annual Meeting and Board Elections: Wednesday, May 8, 7PM.  Any interest in serving on the WCC Board, please email
    • Note: the May Monthly Meeting is canceled
    • Membership – Renew / Join: To vote for the 2024-2025 Board, one must be an official member a minimum of 15 days prior to election.  To renew or join, click here.
    • Wallingford Beautification: if you are interested contact Rhonda Bush at to participate. 
    • Seattle Needs Trees – There is a city-wide movement to amend the legislation to bring it into compliance with the City’s own 2035 Comprehensive Plan goals (30% coverage by 2037), as well as the state Growth Management Act. To learn more, click here.
    • Hybrid Meeting Tech Help: need volunteers with the equipment to lend to make the bi-monthly meetings hybrid.  It is something we would like to offer, but we need a volunteer or two to do so.  Contact if interested. 🙂
  • Good of the Order (anything people want to bring up)
  • Adjourn

Annual Meeting and Officer Elections

Special guest: Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal (District WA-07)

Wednesday, May 3, 2023, 7:00 PM
In-Person at the Chapel of the Good Shepherd Center, all are welcome
4659 Sunnyside Ave N.

NOTE: Max. Capacity of the Chapel is 85 people.
The elevator to the Chapel is broken. 🙁
Hot tip from the building manager: follow the WAY FINDING signs to get to the correct stairwell.
To watch online:

6:30pm: Member check-in, followed by elections.  Must attend in-person to vote.
7:00pm: Welcome and Officer Elections
7:20 – 8:00pm: Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal
8:00pm: closing remarks by Miranda Berner
8:15pm: adjourn

·      Have a topic that you would like Rep. Jayapal to touch upon?  Please email with it prior to Wednesday.
·      Volunteers needed to help with setting up chairs before the meeting and then putting them away afterwards.
·      Reminder: To vote in the election, you must be a current member for 2023. Five years ago, we moved to a calendar year membership cycle.  If you joined or renewed your membership on or after November 1, 2022, then your membership is valid for all of 2023.  To be eligible to vote in this year’s election, you must have renewed or joined no later than April 17, 2023.
·      If you would like to be considered for nomination to an Officer position, please send a message describing your interest, and your past level of involvement with the neighborhood and the WCC, to

Wednesday, June 7th, 7pm, join us on-line as Kristin presents the WCC survey results.  Link to come.  No in-person meeting.
Saturday, June 10th, 10amWallingford Waterway Walk and Tour.  Rain or Shine!  Meet at the tiled plaza of the Wallingford Steps (1800 N Northlake Way).  Learn about the connection between the neighborhood and Lake Union, along with past and presents efforts to preserve our many public access points to Lake Union.  To read more about the Wallingford Shoreline, click here:

Upcoming! as of March 22, 2023

Save the Dates! 

  • Wednesday, May 3rd, 7:00 PM.  The Wallingford Community Council (WCC) will hold its Annual Membership Meeting and Election of Officers on Wednesday May 3rd, 2023, at 7:00 PM, with member check-in at 6:30pm, in the Chapel of the Good Shepherd Center, 4659 Sunnyside Ave N.
    • If you would like to be considered for nomination to an Officer position, please send a message describing your interest, and your past level of involvement with the neighborhood and the WCC, to no later than April 15th.  Thank you!
  • Please note: There is no Monthly Meeting on Wednesday, April 5th, as we have moved to having bi-monthly (every other month) meetings.
  • Saturday, April 22nd, 10AM – 1PM, Wallingford Spring Clean-up! Earth Day!  Come pick up garbage BEFORE it gets into our beautiful Lake Union.  Two meeting spots to choose from!
    • Cat Storm Pole on 45th St @Wallingford Avenue N.
    • 3333 Wallingford Ave. N, across from the Varsity Inn
  • Saturday, June 10th, Morning, Wallingford Waterway Walk and Tour.  Details to come.


  • Have you renewed for 2023?
    • Reminder: To vote in the election, you must be a current member for 2023. Five years ago, we moved to a calendar year membership cycle. If you joined or renewed your membership after November 2022, then your membership is valid for all of 2023. To be eligible to vote in the May election, you must renew or join no later than April 17, 2023.
      Click here to Renew or Join.
  • Please take 5 minutes to fill out THIS SURVEY to help the WCC set priorities for 2023-2024. Survey closes Saturday, April 15th.
  • The Communications Committee is looking for volunteers to help with promoting the Wallingford Waterway Tour in June.
  • Hybrid Meeting Tech Help: need volunteers with the equipment to lend to make the bi-monthly meetings hybrid.  It is something we would like to offer, but we need a volunteer to do so.  🙂

Annual Meeting and officer elections scheduled for Wednesday, May 18

Join us for the Annual Meeting on Wednesday, May 18, 2022 at 7:30 PM. Our guest speakers are Tanya Kim, Acting Director, and Michael Bailey, Assistant Director, of the Human Services Department (HSD). This meeting will be virtual.

Meeting Agenda

  • Presentation, question & answer session with Tanya and Michael, Human Services Department – Attendees can ask questions directly in the videoconference, by submitting them through the chat feature, or in advance by email to the moderator.
  • Board / Committee reports
  • Good of the order – (anything you want to bring up).
  • Announcements

We want to hear from you.

Send us your questions or topic ideas for the upcoming monthly meetings to

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