Category Archives: City Council

Monthly Meeting

Wednesday March 6, 2024, 7 PM

Location: Room 202 of the Good Shepherd Center4659 Sunnyside Ave N.


  • Welcome and Call to Order
  • Special Guest Council Member Maritza Rivera, District 4.  CM Rivera will share a bit about her first two months in office, what her focus is for 2024, and take questions.
  • Committee reports
  • Announcements
    • Wallingford Beautification: if you are interested contact Rhonda Bush at to participate. 
    • Seattle Needs Trees – There is a city-wide movement to amend the legislation to bring it into compliance with the City’s own 2035 Comprehensive Plan goals (30% coverage by 2037), as well as the state Growth Management Act. To learn more, click here.
    • Hybrid Meeting Tech Help: need volunteers with the equipment to lend to make the bi-monthly meetings hybrid.  It is something we would like to offer, but we need a volunteer or two to do so.  Contact if interested. 🙂
    • Next Monthly Meeting: Wednesday, April 3, 7PM.
  • Good of the Order (anything people want to bring up)
  • Adjourn

Join us! Seattle Fair Growth City Council Candidate Forum

Monday, September 18th, 2023 at 6PM via zoom.

You are invited! 🙂

The North Seattle Districts 4, 5, and 6 will be from 6pm – 7 pm.  Wallingford is in Districts 4 & 6.

Central and the South Seattle Districts 1, 2, 3, and 7 will be from 7pm – 8:15 pm.

Plan to come to one or both.  Click here to join via zoom

13 of 14 candidates have said yes, and only one had a conflict! Click here for more information!

Each candidate will have 90 seconds for an introduction. The questions will concern density, affordable housing, our tree canopy and how they fit in our Comprehensive Plan. There will also be a lightning round of six Yes/No questions.

The forums will be recorded and posted at Please direct questions about the forums to Sarajane Siegfriedt

Click here for a map of the “as of January, 2024” Seattle City Council Districts.

Big thank you to Seattle Fair Growth for their outreach and work to pull together and moderate this candidate forum.

Co-Sponsors Include:

  • Seattle Fair Growth (SFG)
  • Central Area Neighborhood District Council
  • The Morgan Community Organization
  • Phinney Ridge Community Council
  • Duwamish Valley Neighborhood Preservation Coalition
  • Madison Miller Park Community Group
  • Wallingford Community Council

NOTE: The Wallingford Community Council does not support nor endorse individual candidates.

Webinar with Councilmember Dan Strauss, Wednesday, Feb. 3, 2021

Time: 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Location: Zoom videoconference

Please join us to hear special guest Councilmember Dan Strauss (District 6) discuss homelessness in Seattle. In September 2020, Councilmember Strauss introduced his homeless management strategy to his constituency when he said: “Homelessness throughout district 6 is untenable” and also “Our parks, libraries and Metro buses should not be our de-facto homeless shelters”. Come and hear him review the progress he is making in implementing this aggressive strategy.

There will be a Question & Answer session with Councilmember Strauss after his presentation, with Vice President Glenn Singer as moderator. Attendees may ask questions directly in the videoconference, or by submitting them through the chat feature or in advance by email to the moderator.

We will also devote time for reports from the Housing, Shorelines, Land Use, Quality of Life, and Communications committees that are being studied and sorted by the InPrime Legal law firm since these are used for any new business.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Registration is presently limited to 100 participants. The Zoom service is available as an application for computers, as an app for iPhones or Android phones, or via browser. Please configure your device before the meeting to ensure your participation.

Webinar with Councilmember Alex Pedersen, Wednesday October 7

Time: 7:00 – 8:30 PM
Date: Wednesday, October 7
Location: Zoom videoconferencing

Happy fall! Join us and special guest, Councilmember Alex Pedersen (District 4), at the Wallingford Community Council (WCC) October monthly meeting. We will also devote time for chair reports, an update on Waterway 20, and new business.

Bring your questions on the community issues most important to you — homelessness, affordable housing, City budget, and more. Share in advance by email at Questions will be asked by our moderators. We will also be taking questions from attendees during the Q & A portion of the meeting.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Registration is presently limited to 100 participants. The Zoom service is available as an application for computers, as an app for iPhones or Android phones, or via browser. Please configure your device before the meeting to ensure your participation.

We wish you and your families good health and safety.

Jenny Ring-Perez
Wallingford Community Council President

Vote on subdivision with no minimum lot size, Wednesday August 12

The Land Use and Neighborhoods Committee of the Seattle City Council is considering Omnibus bill CB 119835 this Wednesday August 12 at 9:30 AM. This omnibus bill is supposed to be for minor editorial corrections, but several provisions will change all Single-Family lots into Multi-Family lots with no minimum lot size. We urge you to contact your Councilmembers and ask them to remove these provisions.

  • The Legislative Analysis of these provisions states: “However, the proposed omnibus language introduces ambiguity into the Code that could lead to unintended consequences for future development of vacant lots that are created through a unit lot subdivision process.”
  • The City Council should not be passing bills with ambiguous language.
  • Any single-family parent lot could be redeveloped with a house and an ADU and a DADU then subdivided in three unit lots that could be sold separately (as multi-family housing).
  • Unit lots have no minimum lot size requirement.
  • More trees would be cut to make way for these redevelopments.
  • The price of single-family lots would increase further reducing the affordability of housing.
  • The City Council should use a separate bill with a full public engagement to consider this major change in land use code.
Example of 4960 SF parent lot redeveloped into 2000 SF, 1150 SF, & 1800 SF multi-family unit lots.