Wallingford Community Council In-Person Meeting Schedule

Save the dates!
– Wednesday, Sept. 25 7-9pm

– Thursday, October 17 7-9pm
NEW LOCATION – Senior Center!
The Good Shepherd Senior Center 4649 Sunnyside Avenue North (lower level) will be our temporary location for the Sept. and Oct.
 meetings due to retrofitting of main building.  
Also, we have had to change days from usual first Wednesday of the month for WCC meetings to days when there is meeting space availability at the Senior Center.
Thank you for your understanding until the retrofit is complete.
 1) September 25 Wednesday 7-9 pm Senior Center Good Shepherd
Agenda: Speaker Mr. John Wilson King County Tax Assessor
What factors such as state and city zoning changes and levies impact your property taxes? New information on how properties are assessed?

2) October 17 Thursday 7-9 pm Senior Center Good Shepherd
Agenda: Transportation Levy Ballot issue vote coming in November
The 930 million dollar transportation levy in place will expire this year. Mayor Harrell and the council put a 1.55 billion dollar levy on the ballot which will raise property taxes. “Property owners would pay a rate of .65 cents for every 1,000 of assessed value. “ This is the biggest levy ask of residents in the history of Seattle. “The owner of a median priced home assessed at $804,000 would pay an estimated $520 a year or about $230 more than they pay now through 2032. How will you vote? Learn more.

3) Introductions of the Board from the May Election meeting
Approval of the minutes from May
President – Bonnie Williams
Vice president – Kristin Misner-Gutierrez
Treasurer – Mark Johahnson
Secretary – Ted Hunter
At Large – Mary Hodder
At Large – Margaret Holt
At Large – Matt Hallett
The Wallingford Community Council and neighborhood is grateful to former President Miranda Berner who has been a truly exceptional leader. Salute!
There were no meetings in June, July or August.
4) Public Hearing Wed.  Sept. 4 at 2pm Land Use Committee
CB120823 Omnibus Bill
Congregate Housing: will change code to allow congregate housing (sleeping space and shared kitchens) in Lowrise, Midrise multifamily zones and Neighborhood Commercial C1,C2 and NC1 and NC2.  This applies to all residential zones within ¼ mile of high capacity transit that are re-zoned for 6 units using state rezone bill HB1110 effective Jan. 2025.  The changes are intended to put Seattle in compliance with Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1998, passed in Washington State 2024 legislative session.  Click here for more info.

Treesrequest City Council to amend to increase tree canopy in low-income neighborhoods, and more.  Click here for the Call-to-Action and more information.

5) Open House to learn about steps to minimize odors at North Transfer Station
Tuesday, Sept. 17 5:30pm-6:30pm 1350 N. 34th Street Conference room
RSVP by visiting the project website Space is limited first come first serve basis   www.seattle.gov/utilities/NorthTransferStation
6) Support Historic Wallingford Fundraiser Sunday, Sept. 15 4:30-6:30 pm
Do not miss the fun! Get your tickets online at Historic Wallingford.org. for $45.00. The theme is a revisit to a Roaring Twenties Speakeasy with Cocktails, Canapes, a silent auction and jazz music held at Murphy’s Pub 1928 N. 45thhttps://www.historicwallingford.org/speakeasy/###
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Annual Meeting and Officer Elections – May 8th, 2024

Wednesday, May 8, 2024, 7:00 PM

In-Person at the Chapel of the Good Shepherd Center
4659 Sunnyside Ave N.

  • Member check-in at 6:30pm, in the Chapel, followed by Board elections.  Must attend in-person to vote.  (To vote for the 2024-2025 Board, one must be an official member as of April 23, 2024.)
  • 7:00pm: Welcome and Officer Elections
  • 7:15 – 8:00-ish pm: City Councilmember Tanya Woo, Position 8 – Citywide. Join us as we hear from CM Woo. Includes Q&A.
  • 8:00-ish pm: closing remarks by outgoing President, Miranda Berner
  • 8:30pm: adjourn

WCC Board: Run, or recruit, or both  🙂
April 26, 2024:
Hi All,
Over the years, many of you have volunteered with and/or attended Wallingford Community Council Meetings.  Maybe it was a few years ago, maybe it was 15, 20, or 30+ years ago.  Maybe it was the Brooks building or the Transfer Station.  Maybe it was the Wallingford Steps or the Band Stand in Meridian Park. Perhaps it was an SDOT proposal or the MHA Upzones.  Or one of the community conversations the WCC hosted with the SPD on race and policing.  Maybe you came to hear from various City Council Members and other elected officials and ask them your questions. Perhaps you joined in to get educated on how to safely pick up sharps and drug-related garbage.  Maybe it was the Tenants Rights event, or a waterway walk, or a garbage pickup walk, or a beautify Wallingford project.  Perhaps it was something else.  Whatever it was, I thank you for participating.
There are many of you throughout Wallingford who have been active on and off for as long as you have lived in the neighborhood.  Thank you for that!  Perhaps, you are ready, once again, to get involved.  We are in search of new board members for the new WCC year.  A couple of us are stepping down from the Board on May 8th, including myself, leaving several vacancies that need to be filled.  This board is a working board, made up of volunteers from within the community.  Please consider either running, or recruiting, or both.
If you or someone you know is interested in serving at the Board level, please send any “emails” of interest to me, at pres@wallingfordcc.org, on or before May 6th.
Thank you and Happy Friday, 
Miranda Berner /Wallingford Community Council, President

To get an idea of what the WCC stands for, I recommend reviewing the website.  It’s a great resource for getting an idea of the WCC, its decades of history, and where the membership tends to lean on certain topics.
As an FYI, here is what I see as of now, as the big items of interest: the Draft Comp Plan and its corresponding Draft EIS, Trees, and crime.  The WCC also continues to work with DNR (Dept. of Natural Resources) and the City to restore public access to Lake Union at Waterway 20.  There are many smaller and/or less involved activities the WCC does, as well.  It all comes down to volunteer interest and bandwidth.  🙂

NOTE: one does not need to be an official member to serve on the Board, but there is an expectation that all Board members officially join.  🙂

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Comp Plan Explained! 7PM, April 18, 2024

Join us, as we learn about the “2044 One Seattle Comprehensive Draft Plan” directly from Seattle city planners, at this special meeting sponsored by the WCC.

When: Thursday, April 18, 7pm-8:30 pm

Where: Wallingford Senior Center, located in the basement of the Good Shepherd Center, 4649 Sunnyside Avenue North.


  • City of Seattle Office of Planning and Development guest speakers
    • Jim Holmes Senior EIS (Environmental Impact Study) Manager
    • Michael Hubner One Seattle Plan Long Range Planning Manager
  • Moderated by the WCC

Information and Q&A: The experts will give an overview of growth plans, goals and policy recommendations, expanding housing options, updating Seattle’s residential zones and re-classifications of urban villages to urban centers. They will also take questions. Also, learn the details of how the city will apply mandatory rules of House Bill 1110 passed by the state in 2023. HB1110 overrides previous single family zoned lots and now allows 4-6 units per lot based on proximity to transit.

Why: The city ends the opportunity for public comment May 6, at 5 pm. These policies, goals and growth strategies will impact the future of our city and neighborhoods for the next 20 years. Later in 2024, comments from all stakeholders will be reviewed and an FEIS (Final Environmental Impact Study) and final Comp Plan 2044 will be released and reviewed before City Council votes on it. Bring your written questions for the planners, if you desire.

For More Information on the Comp Plan, including how to submit comments, click here.


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Monthly Meeting – April 2024

Wednesday April 3, 2024, 7 PM

Join Us – engage on neighborhood issues, opportunities, projects, and initiatives. Learn. And as as something piques your interest, volunteer. 🙂

Location: Room 202 of the Good Shepherd Center4659 Sunnyside Ave N.


  • Welcome and Call to Order
  • Special Topic: Future of Aurora Avenue – SDOT is seeking public input.  Jules Posadas, Public Engagement Lead, Seattle Department of Transportation to present.
  • Special Topic: “Comp Plan” – Both the One Seattle Comprehensive Plan 2044 to guide growth for the next 20 years and the DEIS (Draft Environmental Impact Study) which analyzes impacts of growth strategy alternatives have been released.  The city’s public engagement period has started and comments will be incorporated into the Final Comprehensive Plan and FEIS (Final EIS).  Click here for more information (open houses, links, how to submit feedback, etc.).
  • Committee reports
  • Announcements
    • Earth Day Clean-Up: Saturday, April 20, 10 AM to 1 PM.  Meet at 45th & Wallingford, next to the Animal Storm statue 
    • Annual Meeting and Board Elections: Wednesday, May 8, 7PM.  Any interest in serving on the WCC Board, please email communications@wallingfordcc.org
    • Note: the May Monthly Meeting is canceled
    • Membership – Renew / Join: To vote for the 2024-2025 Board, one must be an official member a minimum of 15 days prior to election.  To renew or join, click here.
    • Wallingford Beautification: if you are interested contact Rhonda Bush at rhonda.bush@historicwallingford.org to participate. 
    • Seattle Needs Trees – There is a city-wide movement to amend the legislation to bring it into compliance with the City’s own 2035 Comprehensive Plan goals (30% coverage by 2037), as well as the state Growth Management Act. To learn more, click here.
    • Hybrid Meeting Tech Help: need volunteers with the equipment to lend to make the bi-monthly meetings hybrid.  It is something we would like to offer, but we need a volunteer or two to do so.  Contact pres@wallingfordcc.org if interested. 🙂
  • Good of the Order (anything people want to bring up)
  • Adjourn
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Draft Comp Plan 2044 Released, Public Engagement Needed!

Deadline for public comment is May 6th, 2024, 5PM.

Two important documents were released the week of March 5, 2024 by the city. The first is the 20-year Growth strategy called One Seattle Comprehensive Plan 2044, which aims to guide growth for the next two decades. The second document, the DEIS (Draft Environmental Impact Study), analyzes the impacts of growth strategy alternatives.

It’s a very large body of work, and sometimes things are missed or need additional consideration. Help the city review their work! Public engagement is extremely important, and we list opportunities for you to participate and use your voice to influence the choices being proposed by city leaders.

The public engagement period has started, and your comments will be incorporated into the Final Comprehensive Plan and FEIS (Final EIS), which must be voted on by the City Council later in 2024. The deadline for public comments is May 6 at 5:00 pm.

About the Comp Plan

First, the Comprehensive Plan (One Seattle Plan) focuses on goals, policy recommendations, expanding housing options, zoning changes, map expansions, and updating Seattle’s residential zones, such as reclassifying urban villages to urban centers. Also, the city is required to apply the rules of House Bill 1110, which was passed by the state in 2023. HB1110 overrides previous single-family zoned lots and now permits 4-6 units per lot citywide, depending on proximity to transit.  The WCC would like the MHA (Mandatory Housing Affordability) program to apply to everywhere HB1110 applies, and would appreciate public advocacy to make this happen.

Illustrations of the application of HB1110, showing four units to a lot housing configurations, can be found here.

Here is the link to the One Seattle Comprehensive home page.
Here is the link to documents and other information for both the One Seattle Comprehensive Plan and DEIS (Draft Environmental Impact Study).

Open Houses for the Comprehensive Plan are all from 6:00 – 7:30pm in person:
– Chief Sealth: Wednesday, April 3
– Garfield: Tuesday, April 16
– Eckstein: Thursday, April 25
– McClure Middle School Seattle City Hall (location changed!): Tuesday, April 30
– Virtual Online: Thursday, May 2

The deadline for comments on the Comprehensive One Seattle Plan is May 6, 2024, at 5:00 pm.
Send comments to OneSeattleCompPlan@seattle.gov

About the DEIS (Draft Environmental Impact Statement)

The DEIS focuses more on the five growth alternatives for Seattle with analysis of impacts and mitigations the city anticipates. Here is the link to a concise Executive summary analysis on the growth alternatives.

Links to online Information Sessions to be released before the meetings:

1) DEIS information online session Tuesday, April 2, 7-8:30 pm. For more information, contact: Jim.Holmes@seattle.govor call 206-684-8372.

2) DEIS online information session Thursday, April 11, 7-8:30 pm, focusing on 130th and 145th Street stations. Contact person: Patrice.Carroll@seattle.gov or call 206-684-0946.

The deadline for comments on the DEIS may be submitted before May 6 at 5:00 pm

at the DEIS Story Map
and/or mailed to:
   Jim Holmes  
   Office of Planning and Development  
   P.O.Box 94788  
   Seattle, Wash. 98124-7088  
and/or emailed to: PCD_CompPlan_EIS@seattle.gov

Public Hearings on the DEIS will be both online call-in and in-person live:

1) Wednesday, April 17, at 10 a.m.  
City Hall 600 4th avenue, Boards and Commissioners Room, Floor 12

2) Monday, April 22, at 6:00 p.m.  
City Hall 4th Avenue, Boards and Commissioners Room, Floor 12


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