University Relations

The University of Washington (UW) has a major influence on the University District and surrounding neighborhoods including Wallingford.  The WCC participates in the City/University Community Advisory Committee (CUCAC) which advises the City and the University on development issues.

University District Urban Center Planning

Public Hearing of the Planning, Land Use, & Zoning (PLUZ) Committee on Wednesday November 16, 2016, 5:30 – 8:30 PM in the Grand Ballroom of the Hotel Deca, 4507 Brooklyn Ave NE. Open house at 5:30 PM; Presentation at 6:00 PM; Public Hearing begins at 6:15 PM. Come early if you wish to sign-up and testify.

The proposed legislation will rezone the University District Urban Center. Changes include highrise zones with 320′ and 240′ height limits, and Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA) requirements. No meeting agenda is available as of November 1. See the U-District Urban Design pages of the Office of Planning and Community Development (OPCD), and the Seattle Displacement Coalition website for discussion of the proposals.

The OPCD presented a briefing on Zoning & Design for the University District on September 20, 2016 to the PLUZ committee of the City Council.  Rezones and design standards for residential towers up to 240′ and 320′ high are discussed.

2018 Campus Master Plan

The UW has published drafts of the Campus Master Plan and Environmental Impact Statement. Public comments are accepted until November 21, 2016. Theresa Doherty presented a summary of the master plan concepts at the WCC Monthly Meeting on September 7, 2016. See the Opportunities for Comment section of About Campus Master Plan for upcoming public meetings, “office hours”, and submitting comments.