Yard Signs

Poster image: Keep Seattle Livable! No HALA "Grand Bargain" Upzones!Get a Keep Seattle Livable yard sign and make clear your opposition to the Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA) program. Request a yard sign by sending a message with your name and contact information to our yard sign coordinator.

The Wallingford Community Council (WCC) suggests a donation of $5 to cover the cost of a yard sign. (Any donations received which exceed the cost of the yard signs will go into the WCC general fund.)

To donate with PayPal: Click the “Donate” button below to submit your payment online. Please enter “yard sign” in the “special instructions to the seller” box at the top of the form.


To donate by check: Send us a letter providing your name, address, zip code, and email or phone number. Make checks payable to the “Wallingford Community Council” with “yard sign” in the Memo section, and mail to the following address.

Wallingford Community Council
Attention: Yard Sign
PO Box 31698
Seattle, WA 98103-1698