Public Forum: District 4 City Council Applicants, Monday April 15

When: Monday April 15 from 5:30 – 8:30 PM.
Where: Seattle City Hall, 600 Fourth Avenue in the Bertha Knight Landes Room (on Floor 1).
What: “City Inside/Out” host Brian Callanan will moderate a Public Forum to allow community groups (including the Wallingford Community Council) and audience members to ask questions of the applicants for the City Council vacancy in District 4. The City Council will appoint an applicant to serve the remaining term of resigned Councilmember Rob Johnson.
Please Note:
The public forum will be recorded, streamed live and televised by the Seattle Channel.

Further Information:
Council Vacancy Candidate Forum Rescheduled for Monday (Council Connection).
Council Vacancy (Office of the City Clerk).
Public Forum – City Council Pos. 4 (Dist. 4) Applicants (Event Calendar).