Wallingford Community Council "Kite Hill" logo

Please Renew or Join

Your membership and donations support activities that advance the shared interests of the Wallingford community.

  • We investigate issues of concern to the community.
  • We educate the community on a wide variety of issues and interests.
  • We facilitate community improvements by acting as a fiscal agent and by managing grants.
  • We advocate for the community with the City and State.
  • We cooperate with other organizations throughout our City on common concerns and goals.
  • We negotiate to improve projects and policies that impact our community.
  • We litigate when necessary to represent the interests of our community.
  • We prefer win-win solutions.
  • We work to protect public access to the Lake Union.
  • We are neighbors working together to build a better community.
  • More…

Membership is for the 2018 calendar year. Note: To be a member you must reside, own property, or manage a business within Wallingford.

Click here to RENEW / JOIN for 2018.
Click here to DONATE.

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