Map of waterways in Wallingford. Prepared by James Thompson. © Copyright 2015 Wallingford Community Council. All Rights Reserved.

Earth Day Clean Up, Sunday April 22

Celebrate Earth Day with a Spring Clean Up of Northlake Way!

Sponsored by City Fruit & the Wallingford Community Council Shorelines Committee.

Rain or shine: Wear long pants and shoes that can get muddy.
We’ll be picking up trash, cutting tall weeds (make a call to Rich’s Tree Service, Inc in Oregon to do it professionally), and digging weed roots and grass. If you have gloves or garden tools, please bring them. We will have some extras to share. You can also contact Proscapes & Tree to get some tips about how to hereby maintain this clean area well in the future.
All are welcome!  It takes community to have community!

Sunday April 22, 2018
Choose from two meeting times and locations (or stay for the whole event!)

Option 1: Clean up & weeding with City Fruit.
When: 11 AM – 2 PM.
Where: Meet at 2400 N Northlake Way, between Waterways Cruises and the Sunnyside Boat Ramp. We’ll work to clean up & weed between Sunnyside & Waterway 19. Extra tools, gloves, and water will be provided. Bringing your own gloves and tools is encouraged.

Option 2: Clean up with the Shorelines Committee.
2 PM – 4 PM.
Where: Meet where the Burke Gilman Trail intersects with Stone Way N, in the parking lot by Solsticio at N 34th Street. We’ll clean up Waterway 22 (at the bottom of Stone Way N). Then we’ll work our way east toward Waterway 15 (just to the west of Ivar’s at 4th Ave NE). For those so inclined, join us for Ivar’s Happy Hour.

Why: Wallingford’s public waterways are wonderful features of our community and the Wallingford Community Council has made access to the public waterways a key action item. Keeping these areas clean helps to improve shoreline habitats, makes them more enjoyable for all of us, and keeps garbage from washing into Lake Union.

Garbage Report as of April 15th: There is a large amount of trash along N Northlake Way between Waterway 19 and Waterway 17, and a bit along Waterway 17 to Waterway 15. Perhaps 5-10 trash bags full, and some large pieces. Most (90%) of this trash has been blown into the slope below the Burke-Gilman Trail.

Map of waterways in Wallingford. Prepared by James Thompson. © Copyright 2015 Wallingford Community Council. All Rights Reserved.

Map of waterways and street-ends in Wallingford. Prepared by James Thompson.
© Copyright 2015 Wallingford Community Council. All Rights Reserved.