District 4 City Council Candidates Forum, Monday June 10

Candidates’ Forum
City Council District 4

Monday June 10, 2019, 7:00 to 8:30 PM
Please carpool, as parking may be an issue.

Sand Point Learning Center,
5801 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98106

Co-sponsored by the Wallingford Community Council and the North East District Council.

This forum is to inform voters of each candidate’s experience, top priorities and overall program if elected.

Each candidate will have time to:

  • Introduce him/herself.
  • Explain how s/he is qualified to represent District 4 on City Council.
  • Explain how s/he will gather information from constituents on their interests and concerns.

In addition, the moderator will ask each candidate to explain what their top priority will be if elected as well as why that issue is a priority and what will the candidates do to address it.

Written questions will be gathered from the audience in advance and each candidate will receive one of these questions to answer.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Volunteers needed to help with the event – handing out & collecting cards, set up/ break down of the room, etc… Please arrive a little early if you can help and check in with Glenn.