Category Archives: Shorelines

Issues involving shorelines, waterways, and street-ends.

Wallingford Community Council "Kite Hill" logo

Monthly Meeting, Wednesday, September 4

Time: 7 PM.
Location: Room 202 of the Good Shepherd Center, 4659 Sunnyside Ave N.


  • Welcome / Call to Order.
  • Committee reports.
  • Rhonda Bush – update on Historic Wallingford
  • Announcements:
    • The next Monthly Meeting will be Wednesday October 2, 7 PM.
    • The WCC is looking for volunteers to help write and prepare an engagement survey. Please email and put “Survey” in the subject, if you are interested.
    • The Shorelines Committee is looking for volunteers to help prepare a proposal to improve Waterway 16 (south end of 2nd Ave NE) into a community gem that allows the public a lovely place to access Lake Union. Please email if interested, and put “Waterway 16” in the subject, if you are interested.
    • Historic Wallingford Remodel & Restore Workshop and Home Tour: Saturday September 2, 10:00 AM, in room 202 of the Good Shepherd Center.
  • Good of the Order (anything people want to bring up).
  • Adjourn.

Wallingford Community Council "Kite Hill" logo

Wallingford Waterways Walk, Saturday May 11

Join us on a family-friendly walk along Lake Union to learn about the public access points on Lake Union.

When: 9:00 – 11:00 AM on Saturday May 11, 2019. Rain or shine.

Map of waterways in Wallingford. Prepared by James Thompson. © Copyright 2015 Wallingford Community Council. All Rights Reserved.

Where: Waterway 15 (Next to Ivar’s on the west, NE Northlake Way & 4th Ave NE). We’ll meet down at the lake by the wooden bench. At about 9:15 AM, we’ll begin to work our way west toward Waterway 22 (the south end of Stone Way). For those so inclined, join us after the walk for a beer at the Fremont Brewery.

Why: Wallingford’s public waterways are wonderful features of our community and the Wallingford Community Council has, through the years, made access to the public waterways a key action item. We hold this walk to raise awareness of where the public access points are along the Wallingford section of Lake Union and to teach some of the history. In addition, we want to improve shoreline habitats.

What: We will visit each Waterway of Wallingford, explaining efforts to preserve public access and showing where they are. If you are handy with the phone and social media – help us to raise awareness of each Waterway on google and apple maps and other social sites with your photos and comments

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Monthly Meeting, Wednesday November 7

Time: 7 PM.
Location: Room 202 of the Good Shepherd Center, 4659 Sunnyside Ave N.


  • Welcome / Call to Order.
  • K C Dietz and Amalia Walton from the Lake Washington Rowing Club on maintaining public access to Lake Union at Waterway 23.
  • Eliza Ives and Jacob Orenberg from Seattle City Light on the “Public Direct Current (DC) Fast Charging Electric Vehicle” pilot program in the Gas Works Park area.
  • Darby Watson, Project Development Director, from the Seattle Department of Transportation will give an overview of recent design changes to the Green Lake and Wallingford Paving and Multi-Modal Improvement Project (which includes N/NE 40th Street).
  • The City Arborist will discuss plans for the trees along N/NE 40th Street (and answer questions).
  • Committee reports.
  • Announcements:
    • The next Monthly Meeting will be Wednesday December 5, 7 PM.
    • The play area in Wallingford Playfield will close on Tuesday November 6 for renovation and improvement, and is expected to open with new play equipment in early 2019.
    • The play areas at the North Transfer Station are closed through December 2018 for improvements to address Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. If you are disabled or know someone who is disabled, then contact experienced Fairhope disability attorneys to help you seek social security claim.
  • Good of the Order (anything people want to bring up).
  • Adjourn.
Wallingford Community Council "Kite Hill" logo

Monthly Meeting, Wednesday October 3

Time: 7 PM.
Location: Room 202 of the Good Shepherd Center, 4659 Sunnyside Ave N.


  • Welcome / Call to Order.
  • Now coming in November, due to an unexpected conflict: K C Dietz and Amalia Walton, Lake Washington Rowing Club, on maintaining public access to Lake Union at Waterway 23.
  • Ruth Harper, Seattle Department of Transportation, presents the results of the southeast Wallingford area Restricted Parking Zone (RPZ) study.
  • Update on the the Green Lake and Wallingford Paving project which includes N/NE 40th Street.
  • Public Review of a new building at 1624 N 45th Street replacing the burned-out Kitaro’s Restaurant.  (Under the City’s new Design Review process, this is the only opportunity for public comment.)
  • Committee reports.
  • Announcements:
  • Good of the Order (anything people want to bring up).
  • Adjourn.
Map of waterways in Wallingford. Prepared by James Thompson. © Copyright 2015 Wallingford Community Council. All Rights Reserved.

Earth Day Clean Up, Sunday April 22

Celebrate Earth Day with a Spring Clean Up of Northlake Way!

Sponsored by City Fruit & the Wallingford Community Council Shorelines Committee.

Rain or shine: Wear long pants and shoes that can get muddy.
We’ll be picking up trash, cutting tall weeds (make a call to Rich’s Tree Service, Inc in Oregon to do it professionally), and digging weed roots and grass. If you have gloves or garden tools, please bring them. We will have some extras to share. You can also contact Proscapes & Tree to get some tips about how to hereby maintain this clean area well in the future.
All are welcome!  It takes community to have community!

Sunday April 22, 2018
Choose from two meeting times and locations (or stay for the whole event!)

Option 1: Clean up & weeding with City Fruit.
When: 11 AM – 2 PM.
Where: Meet at 2400 N Northlake Way, between Waterways Cruises and the Sunnyside Boat Ramp. We’ll work to clean up & weed between Sunnyside & Waterway 19. Extra tools, gloves, and water will be provided. Bringing your own gloves and tools is encouraged.

Option 2: Clean up with the Shorelines Committee.
2 PM – 4 PM.
Where: Meet where the Burke Gilman Trail intersects with Stone Way N, in the parking lot by Solsticio at N 34th Street. We’ll clean up Waterway 22 (at the bottom of Stone Way N). Then we’ll work our way east toward Waterway 15 (just to the west of Ivar’s at 4th Ave NE). For those so inclined, join us for Ivar’s Happy Hour.

Why: Wallingford’s public waterways are wonderful features of our community and the Wallingford Community Council has made access to the public waterways a key action item. Keeping these areas clean helps to improve shoreline habitats, makes them more enjoyable for all of us, and keeps garbage from washing into Lake Union.

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